Dreaming in Storyboards…
Storyboarding is essential in any visual narrative. It is a sequential roadmap that guides viewers through their visual learning experience.
Villi Animation
These storyboards show the journey from a macroscopic view of intestinal villi to the microanatomy of intestinal microvilli.
Version 1
Version 2
Sodium-Potassium Bilayer Animation
The biochemical processes of a sodium-potassium ion channel in a lipid bilayer are shown in a minute-long scene.
Version 1
Version 2
Embryology of Tongue Development
This is a storyboard for an interactive application that teaches embryology to medical and biology students. The scene shows typical human tongue development with the purpose of comparison to ankyloglossia.
White Blood Cell Extravasation
This is a storyboard to show a short 5 second clip of white blood cell extravasation. The cell is shown in red ink along with camera movements that follow its exit from the vessel.
Metoidioplasty Anatomy with Urethral Lengthening
This is a storyboard that guides nursing and practitioners through metoidioplasty anatomy with urethral lengthening. This final version informed my research project, which was to create a video that teaches the surgically altered anatomy.