Team Project: MiniMed 780g Animation

Chicago, IL, 2024


25-second video


Investors and sponsors (and potential consumers)


Helen Thio, Jasmine Tsin, Nolan Pakizer

My Role

Post-Production, Modeling


1 month during Spring semester


Cinema 4D, Adobe After Effects


This team project involved multiple stages of research and planning to create an animated mock advertisement for a medical device (insulin pump). We chose to showcase the product’s sleek design and advanced features for brand reputablilty and aesthetic.

The Process

The Problem

The challenge our group encountered was how to create a visually appealing medical device commercial that delivers featured product  information while maintaining brand identity.

Design Goals

  • Sleek, cutting-edge technological aesthetic

  • Friendly commercial product marketing

  • Brief and informative about the product


Background research was conducted on insulin pumps and measurements were recorded for building the 3D models.

The MiniMed 780G model was chosen because it fit our design goals and is marketed towards a younger audience.

Organizational charts, storyboards, and scripting was drafted and revised by the group.

Top: Storyboard for MiniMed 780g exploded device motion.

Bottom: Script for animation with estimated runtime.

Organizational chart that shows references and design choice ideas for animation aesthetic.


The infusion set was modeled in C4D and all parts were made separately so that they could be used in the exploded shot.

Basic 3D shapes were used to compose the animatic and this was rendered with all camera movements within C4D.

Animatic scenes were stitched together in Adobe After Effects.

Box model created in C4D with Redshift materials.


Basic shapes were replaced with final assets and materials and lighting was added.

Scenes were rendered out in Redshift and composed in a final After Effects file.

Labels, text, effects, and audio were added to accompany the visuals.

Result & Feedback

The final deliverable was a 25-second-long commercial video for the MiniMed Insulin Pump.

  • Successful delivery of medical device features and information via a commercial advertisement video.

  • Visual design choices meet the expectations of the group and client.